Before Anesthesia
Before Oral Sedation
If your treatment involves Oral Sedation , you will be receiving medication to sedate you and to make your dental treatment more pleasant. You will not be receiving a general anaesthetic or intravenous sedation, and you will be conscious at all times. However, there are certain instructions which must be adhered to.
A responsible adult must escort you home, otherwise the sedation cannot be administered
Take a light meal before the appointment – do not eat excessively, stop eating and drinking 4 hours before your appointment!
Wear loose, comfortable clothing
Attend as scheduled so we can give you the medication and ensure it is working before the surgery.
Check with your family physician if regular medications should be taken. Do not take any other medications unless instructed by your physician or dentist.
If you have an illness (cold, flu, cough) on the day before your procedure, please call us on (604) 294-8889 and discuss this with our clinic nurse or Doctor. Your appointment might have to be rescheduled.
Oral and Intravenous Sedation
You will be receiving oral pre-medication to help sedate you and to make your dental treatment more pleasant. This will be followed by intravenous sedation before the dental surgery. Certain instructions must be adhered to:
Nothing to eat for 8 hours before the procedure. Take a light meal before this time-do not eat excessively.
Wear loose, comfortable clothing
Attend as scheduled so we can give you the medication and ensure it is working before the surgery.
A responsible adult must escort you home; otherwise the sedation cannot be administered.
Check with your family physician if regular medications should be taken
If you have an illness (cold, flu, cough) on the day before your procedure, please call 604-294-8889 and discuss this with the clinic nurse or doctor. Your appointment may need to be rescheduled.
Clear fluids are allowed up to 4 hours to your surgery. This includes water and apple juice ONLY.